Suggested track name: Paired end accessibility Description: This track shows which regions of the genome are more or less accessible to next generation sequencing methods using short, paired end reads. It summarizes whole genome sequencing data from Phase 1 of the 1000 Genomes Project. It shows two levels of stringency: "pilot" stringency regions (see below) cover 94% of non-N bases in the genome and "strict" regions cover 72% of non-N bases. Each site which meets "strict" criteria also passes the "pilot" criteria. This track will be useful (a) for comparing accessibility using current technologies to accessibility in the 1000 Genomes Pilot Project, and (b) for population genetic analyses (such as estimates of mutation rate) that must focus on genomic regions with very low false positive and false negative rates. By contrast, SNP calls from the 1000 Genomes Project are filtered using the VQSR method (implemented in GATK) without regard to the thresholds applied here. VQSR assesses the evidence for polymorphism at sites where there is evidence, but says nothing about remaining sites. Methods: The total depth of mapped sequence reads, the average mapping quality score and the fraction of reads with mapping quality zero (meaning that this read maps equally well to more than one location in the genome) are tabulated from 1103 .bam files in the 1000 Genomes Phase 1 low coverage data release: This combines low coverage whole genome sequence information from 1094 individuals, giving a genome average total depth of coverage of 5132 reads. Both "pilot" and "strict" tracks are .bed file conversions of the "pass" regions from .fasta mask files in directory /ftp/phase1/analysis_results/supporting/accessible_genome_masks. See a README file in that directory for details. The "pilot" criteria require a depth of coverage between 2566 and 10264 inclusive (between one half and twice the average depth) and that no more than 20% of covering reads have mapping quality zero. These are equivalent to the criteria used for analyses in the 1000 Genomes Pilot paper (2010). The "strict" criteria require a depth of coverage between 2566 and 7698 inclusive, no more than 0.1% of reads with mapping quality zero, and an average mapping quality of 56 or greater. This definition is quite stringent and focuses on the most unique regions of the genome. In regions which pass the strict criteria, only ~2% of sites called in an initial analysis are rejected as likely false positives by VQSR. Since approximately one half of 1000 Genomes Project individuals are males, the depth of coverage is generally lower on the X chromosome. Coverage thresholds on the X are adjusted by a factor of 3/4 and on Y by a factor of 1/2. The "pilot" criteria were not evaluated for the Y chromosome. 1000 Genomes Phase 1 sequencing was done between 2008 and 2010 using Illumina (86.4%), AB SOLiD (13%) and Roche LS 454 (0.6%) sequencing technologies. 45% of the Illumina coverage is in approximately 100 bp paired end reads, 31.5% in 76 bp reads, 15% in 51 bp reads and 8.5% in 36 bp reads. All AB SOLiD data are 50 bp mate paired reads. Paired end sequence reads were mapped against the hg19 human genome reference sequence using bwa version 0.5.5, bfast version 0.6.4e and ssaha version 2.5 respectively. Full details are at /ftp/phase1/README.phase1_alignment_data and in supplementary materials to the Phase 1 paper (2012). The mapping target consists of the 22 autosomes plus X and Y chromosomes (both pseudo-autosomal regions on the Y are masked by Ns), the revised CRS mitochondrial sequence (NC_012920), and 59 unplaced contigs. It does NOT include the human herpevirus 4 sequence (used for cell line transformation) or approximately 5 Mb of additional "decoy" sequence compiled from other human entries in GenBank. These two were added to the mapping target in July 2011 and will be included in the mapping during 1000 Genomes Phase 2. For details, see: _assembly_sequence/README_human_reference_20110707. Credits: Mary Kate Trost, Goncalo Abecasis, Tom Blackwell; University of Michigan Center for Statistical Genetics. References: The 1000 Genomes Project Consortium (2010). A map of human genome variation from population-scale sequencing. Nature, v.467, n.7319, pp.1061-1073. The 1000 Genomes Project Consortium (2012). An integrated map of genetic variation from 1,092 human genomes. (submitted)